Friday, April 29, 2011

29/04/2011 - out of cyro stasis after nine nine nine nine nin...............

hey guys, long time no see!

iv decided to start blogging again, and im not going to randomly stop cuz of school this time, but this time it would be slightly different. it's not going to be walls and walls of text. it's going to be shorter for each blog but i am sure to hav atleast 1 blog per week. im planning to include som images as well as to wat i was doing, or maybe a few vids.

again im going to repeat myself, this blog is VERY gamer orientated, with a slight dose of anime.

now the blog:

i hav been very busy with school (cough). but im going to free up more time, despite i AM in yr12 and i AM supposed to devote the whole of the yr to education, but screw that =D.

anyway, i spent my gaming time very much on portal 2 this past week, played it 3 times in 7 days, ppl who's saying it doesnt hav replayability, no cake for u. to keep this spoiler free, im only going to say this: i dont think it deserves a 10/10, but it deserves more than 9.9/10. it's a wonderful game, (no i duno actuly believe it deserves higher than 9.9, around 9.5 id say) the chellenge in this game was way better than the first game, not cuz there was more elements to it, but it just more thoroughlu thought out, but i AM angry they dumbed down some of them from the consolers. well that's their probably they cant "ninja skill" on a controller, umad? the following image is probably a spoiler but i made this (not finished) probably for use as banner in the steam forum.

a PROTOtypical banner i made for portal 2, thescreenshot was taken with the frankenturret upside down, believe it or not.

other than portal2 rampage, i found this game called CAPT forever, it's a very addictive space pilot game, it's the free version tho, the full version, CAPT successor, looks even better. im considering paying the $20USD for subscription. i say u guys should try it out. it's kinda slow to gets ur grip on, but it's realy fun when ur tune into the game. this is the best iv ever gotten, u cant save after loading, so it's just a momento i kept.

i know this is slightly contradicting with wat i said on the top of the post, but this is because it's like summing up the last month(s). anyway ill keep u guys updated more often. signing out

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