so when u first start a game, they both look pretty much the same, trees, dirt, maybe a cave entrance. only different should be the HUD and, well one's 3D and the other's 2D, but ill talk about this later.
their start is pretty much the same as well, in order to survive, before the sun falls below the horizon, you must build a house, and there's alway plenty of trees around for you to turn them into houses. but in terraria, there's monsters in the day as well (further detail about monsters below): slimes, they usually arent that agressive, and their movement is very limited.
night falls and monsters appear, hopefully you have your first house built the spawning system in the two games are different, in minecraft, nothing agressive can spawn in the light, excluding slimes. but to negligate spawn in terraria, you must buld background walls, dirt version doesnt work. at the start this doesnt matter that much but it doesnt work while spelunking, BGwalls doesnt work in underground.
after you build youself a base and have a safe haven to rest in, it's usually time for you to think about what you want to do in the same. and mining and spelunking inevitably comes to mine in both of these games, it is a strong emphasis after all.
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