while exploring, there's a clear difference in the two games, simply from the poit-of-view, 2D-3D difference. in FPS view(minecraft), if you see a block, you wont see anything behind it, end of story. so you dont hav X-ray vision, whici you hav in terraria. basically in terraria, you see everything illuminated without the resolution of your monitor, so it's terribly hard to become lost in the game. and it's terribly easy to look for ores, treasures and the sort(light travels several blocks into solid ground, dont ask me how). so you dont need to dig out an area to see the whole area.
while taking a break from your spelunking career, you might like to renovate or expand your town or village you live in. they can both look good, impressive, but i find it much more common of myself going "holy crap", drops jaws, when i see someone's town in minecraft. the comparason of my towns in the two games, the minecraft one is a little too small to look at, here's the original size. and here's another one of another world
it just seems there's more ways of building and how they look in minecraft than in terraria, all the variations you can get in terraria is pretty much squares and rectangles.
minecraft doesnt focus on the combat, that's true, but there's still monsters to kill in it, so it's worth talking about. in minecraft, it's pretty straight forward, there's not much tricks to any of them, just slice and dice them with you trusty sword(or bow). they're all on foot, save the ghast, but the ghast doesnt pursue. but in terraria monsters have quite a variety to them, there's the main 3: land, flying, burrowing. they give you somthing to think about while mining, that your not alone and you can potentially by that bastard's dinner. but there is a problem with them, in my opinion, many of them drops almost nothing (yes im ignoring money), so there's no incentive to kill them other than they're harassing you. but in minecraft, each monster (as of now anyway) has they're own different drop, save chicken and zombie. so there's times i actually venture out at night just to collect the loot exclusively available from the monsters. (sorry no pic for this, forgot)
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